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t h e    f u l l    s t o r y

how a blog that started out as a piece of University coursework became my favourite passion project

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a b o u t    m e

I have always loved writing.

From a young age I would write entire books and this developed into choosing a University Degree that centred around just that, writing.

Aside from writing a blog being an obvious progression,

this blog came about somewhat accidentally.

During my Final Year we had to undergo a Public History project, which saw us finding and creating ways to deliver history to the public.

Therefore, even though I had no prior website-building knowledge or skill,

I decided it would be a good idea to create a blog.

During the process I fell in love with blogging, and when my Degree concluded

I began creating Your Lifestyle Guides.

I'm still bewildered when I look back at my single-page Public History website, and compare it to the multi-faceted blog that it is today.

Through the many name and style changes, this digital world of my own was hiding among the confused website that I began with.

I would make a statement about hidden potential, but I imagine you can come up with something much more profound.


For a History coursework piece intended to give students a creative break from writing essays, it has helped me to begin a pretty exciting journey.

v i s i o n

First and foremost, this blog is my creative outlet.

It allows me to experiment with design, explore my own interests, and push myself to learn about new subjects and broaden my knowledge of others.

I would love to build a like-minded community, looking to create a lifestyle which focuses on wellbeing and happiness.

This is a space for putting your health and wellbeing first, exploring your current interests and finding new ones.

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c o n t i n u e    o u r    j o u r n e y    o n    i n s t a g r a m


building a lifestyle to dream about:

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